ATV Protective Gear

Stay safe with new ATV Protective Gear!
As you’re getting ready to head out for a day of fun on the trails, it’s important to take some time to consider your gear choices. After all, you want to feel safe when you’re riding around in a heavy vehicle at top speeds as you conquer challenging terrain filled with bumps, twists, and turns. Tracks USA is here to provide some helpful information on ATV protective gear. When you’re ready to check out some options, be sure to contact us today! We’re conveniently located in Lake Lillian, MN
Safety should be your top priority when you’re preparing for a ride. In addition to knowing how to operate your quad, you also need to be wearing proper ATV protective gear. The first and most critical piece of gear you’ll need is a helmet. You’ll need to choose one that fits well. It shouldn’t wiggle or slide around when you move your head from side to side. The best choice is usually a motorcycle or a motocross helmet. Whatever type of helmet you choose, be sure that it’s been rated for high impact extreme sport riding. You’ll also want a pair of goggles to protect your eyes from flying debris.
When it comes to your clothing, you don’t necessarily need to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe. However, it’s still important to choose something durable that’s going to protect you from scratches and abrasions. It’s also ideal to wear long sleeves so you don’t have any skin left exposed and vulnerable. If you’re going to be ATVing on a regular basis, it makes sense to consider investing in riding apparel. Boots and gloves are another great investment to keep your feet and hands safe while you ride. If you know you’re going to be doing some seriously extreme riding, it’s best to opt for a chest plate and knee pads, too.
Ready to ride? Give us a call or swing by Tracks USA in Lake Lillian, MN today! Our staff looks forward to assisting you in finding the right ATV protective gear for your needs. We’ll be able to answer all of your questions and provide you with plenty of options. We sell helmets, eyewear, headwear, boots, gloves, and so much more.

Body Armor
There are various types of ATV protective gear on the market. One option to consider is body armor, which is available in the form of back protectors, padded vests, and guards. All of these are designed to protect high-impact areas on your body. There are certain types of body armor that are specifically designed to protect your chest.
The two most common types of chest protection include a roost protector and a chest protector. A roost protector is lightweight and will protect you from roost, which is the dirt and rocks kicked up by other riders in the area. A chest protector also guards against roost, but it will also protect you in a crash thanks to its heavier and more durable design.

Knee & Shin Protection
You also want to make sure you have sufficient knee and shin protection. As you may know, knee injuries are among the most common sports injuries, so you want to buy ATV protective gear that will keep you as safe as possible. One of the most common types of knee and shin protection is a sturdy brace. You’ll have protection for your knee and leg that will prevent serious injuries.
Make sure you find the right fit or it won’t provide the protection you need. You also want to consider the weight of the brace. You don’t want to choose something too flimsy but a heavyweight option can be too cumbersome and uncomfortable to wear. If you don’t want to go all out with a brace, you can also opt for basic knee and shin pads that will protect you.
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